Louis Valtat 1869 - 1952


Find dates of the next committee of the association “Friends of Louis Valtat” under ” News ” .

If you want a record of inclusion to the “Archives Louis Valtat” about a work, please give us 10 days before a dossier containing the following elements imperative  :  

2 Formats photographies 13×18

1  Digital photography professional quality USB Key
xpertise form with all informations -> : Formulaire Comite Louis Valtat


The works will be submitted before Thursday, Janurary 30th 2025 by appointment only at the following address :


Monsieur Michel MAKET
17 Avenue de Messine – Paris 8 ème
Tél : +33 1 42 25 89 33


– Cost of research in the context of the completion of the form of inclusion for works on paper : 120 €.

– Cost of stamp application : 120€

– Cost of research in the context of the completion of the form of inclusion for the sculpture : 120€

– Cost of research in the context of the completion of the form of inclusion for the oils on canvas : 750 €

Regulation : Upon receipt of invoice.

The file should be sent to the following address :

“Les Amis de Louis Valtat”
11 Avenue Antoine Saint Exupéry
34670 Baillargues